mescreen™ Personalized Mitochondrial Efficiency Test - Verséa

mescreen™ Personalized Mitochondrial Efficiency

The world's most advanced mitochondrial efficiency screening

The mescreen™ personalized mitochondrial efficiency test is an innovative solution that offers a comprehensive energetic profile of an individual. It establishes a baseline to measure against in the future, enabling:

Precision Data Collection: Identify the root causes of your well-being by establishing a personalized baseline.
Performance Validation: Track the effectiveness of your health plan through continuous data monitoring and improvement.
Full Health Optimization: Periodic assessments ensure ongoing optimization for sustainable well-being and vitality.

The mescreen™ is a comprehensive analysis that measures mitochondrial efficiency through a 12-matrix panel, accurately quantifying basal reactive oxygen species levels under high stress and analyzing cellular images for mitochondrial structure, integrity, and organization.

With mescreen™ Mitochondrial Evaluation Testing, each individual can take control of their health and embark on a journey towards optimal well-being, empowered by precise, personalized insights.

To learn more, visit the product’s website: